


unable to create / submit / update issues

Added by James Matthews almost 14 years ago

sorry as i'm new to supporting redmine

i have an issue, which i can't work out how to fix this

(note: this has been working fine, until yesterday afternoon)

I select any project

click "new issue"
enter detail

I can click preview and see the detail I have entered

if I click either "create" or "create and continue"

I get the following error:

Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.

I then receive an email like below

Issue #792 has been reported by James Matthews.
Work Request #792: test test test
• Author: James Matthews
• Status: Backlog
• Priority: Normal
• Assigned to:
• Category:
• Target version:
• Effort: S
• Value: Normal Value
• Work Type: Development
test test

if I then click on the link provided I get a 404 error

The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.


trying to update issues

I select any project

click "update"

enter any detail
click "submit"

I get the same internal error

can anyone please, please help or advise

kind regards
