


Copy or Share custom queries between Projects

Added by Diego Felipe almost 14 years ago

Hello everyone, I have this kind of hierarchy in my redmine's instance (Note: all department and sub-departments are also redmine projects):

  • Sub-department 1
    1. Project 1
    2. Project 2
  • Sub-department 2
    1. Project 1
    2. Project 2
  • Sub-department 3
    1. Project 1
    2. Project 2
  • Sub-department 4
    1. Project 1
    2. Project 2

I want that all sub-department have a default set of issues queries, and that all projects have a different default set of issues queries. Also both of sets are only visible at their "category" level (sub-department and roject category)and they must be public.
These queries would serve as reports to project and sub-department managers.

Does anyone know a way to do that without be totally manual?!

It is really boring create the default set everytime a new project (or department) is created. Even a script would be appreciated.

Thanks for your opinion!