


Error: Missing template issues/_time_entry.erb

Added by Duc Doba almost 14 years ago

Hi everybody,

I've met "redmine 500 error" following error message when I entered invalid value (string, not number) to "Spent time" field of an issue:

ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template issues/_time_entry.erb in view path vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_importer/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_niko_cale/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_parking_lot_chart/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_task_board/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_todos_plugin/app/views:vendor/plugins/redmine_version_burndown_charts/app/views:app/views) on line #7 of vendor/plugins/redmine/app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml:
4: :class => nil,
5: :method => :put,
6: :multipart => true} do |f| >
7: <
= error_messages_for 'issue', 'time_entry' >
8: <div class="box">
9: <
if @edit_allowed || @allowed_statuses.empty? >
10: <fieldset class="tabular"><legend><
= l(:label_change_properties) %>

I searched for "_time_entry.erb" file, and could not find it anywhere, even in the latest version of redmine.
Anyone can tell me how to fix this bug?

Thank you in advance!