


Upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 #4050

Added by Eric Desgranges about 14 years ago

It's the first time I'm doing an upgrade (via Git). I'm surprised I'm getting so many conflicts. How could I get so many files modified from both sides? Here's the list of conflicts:

# Unmerged paths:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
#       both modified:      app/controllers/application_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/auto_completes_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/context_menus_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/files_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/gantts_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/issue_moves_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/issues_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/previews_controller.rb
#       both added:         app/controllers/project_enumerations_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/projects_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/timelog_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/users_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/controllers/versions_controller.rb
#       both modified:      app/helpers/application_helper.rb
#       both added:         app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb
#       both modified:      app/helpers/issues_helper.rb
#       both modified:      app/models/changeset.rb
#       both modified:      app/models/issue.rb
#       both modified:      app/models/project.rb
#       both modified:      app/models/user.rb
#       both modified:      app/views/admin/projects.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/calendars/show.html.erb
#       both modified:      app/views/context_menus/issues.html.erb
#       both modified:      app/views/files/index.html.erb
#       both modified:      app/views/files/new.html.erb
#       both modified:      app/views/news/_news.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/news/index.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/projects/_edit.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/projects/_form.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/projects/settings/_activities.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/projects/settings/_versions.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/versions/edit.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/versions/new.html.erb
#       both modified:      app/views/versions/show.rhtml
#       both modified:      app/views/wiki/date_index.html.erb
#       deleted by them:    app/views/wiki/special_page_index.rhtml
#       both modified:      config/initializers/10-patches.rb
#       both modified:      config/locales/bg.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/bs.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/ca.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/cs.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/da.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/de.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/el.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/en-GB.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/en.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/es.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/eu.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/fi.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/fr.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/gl.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/he.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/hr.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/hu.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/id.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/it.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/ja.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/ko.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/lt.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/lv.yml
#       both added:         config/locales/mk.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/mn.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/nl.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/no.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/pl.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/pt-BR.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/pt.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/ro.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/ru.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/sk.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/sl.yml
#       both added:         config/locales/sr-YU.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/sr.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/sv.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/th.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/tr.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/uk.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/vi.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/zh-TW.yml
#       both modified:      config/locales/zh.yml
#       both modified:      config/routes.rb
#       both modified:      doc/CHANGELOG
#       both modified:      lib/redmine.rb
#       both modified:      lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb
#       both modified:      lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
#       both modified:      lib/redmine/version.rb
#       both modified:      public/stylesheets/application.css
#       both modified:      test/fixtures/enabled_modules.yml
#       both added:         test/functional/activities_controller_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/functional/auth_sources_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/auto_completes_controller_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/functional/calendars_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/context_menus_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/files_controll
#       both modified:      test/functional/gantts_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/issue_moves_controller_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/previews_controller_test.rb
#       both added:         test/functional/project_enumer
#       both modified:      test/functional/projects_controller_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/functional/versions_controller_test.rb
#       deleted by them:    test/integration/issues_api_test.rb
#       both added:         test/integration/layout_test.r
#       both modified:      test/integration/routing_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/test_helper.rb
#       both modified:      test/unit/issue_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/unit/query_test.rb
#       both modified:      test/unit/user_test.rb