


No-Network installation

Added by Olaf Ahlers about 14 years ago


I proposed Redmine at work for a team wiki.

Plan is to use Redmine+GIT and the Xapian plusgin on a RHEL machine.

Challenge is to do the setup without an internet connection from that host.
I will be able to do downloads with my windows machine though.

I'm especially worried about passenger and all the gems.

Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this ?
Or whether it is indeed possible at all ?

Many thanks,


Replies (3)

RE: No-Network installation - Added by Olaf Ahlers about 14 years ago

I just discovered the 3rd Party bundles (bitnami and turnkey).
I'll see how that goes - come back and tell you about it ;)

RE: No-Network installation - Added by Olaf Ahlers about 14 years ago

Hi there,
Appliance not an option - I'll have to do a full no-internet setup.
I'll be using redmine 1.0 as it looks as though the xapian plugin in not recocgnized when installed in 1.1.
I'll keep you posted on my progess.
