


project setup - how do?

Added by Dario Filippini over 13 years ago


I'm new in this forum, so first greetings to all.

I just insatlled the last Redmine version on a ubuntu 10.10 whit Apache web server by Passenger modules and MySql. It seems to run all ok, mail delivering too.

I have to monitor the activities on several facilities supplied in company where I work

  1. How do I set a system to monitor use of human and facilities resource?
  2. Do I create custom fields? If yes, in users, groups, activities(time tracking)?
  3. How can I setup facilities resources? (It could be a tipology of user which I assign an activity for a time range, ...confused :-((....)
  4. Is it possible to check and allarm, if a facility used in a time range by a project is already used by another project to avoid a contention?

I tried to search something about in FAQ and HowTo without results, hoping it is not a double and in your contribute. Thanks