


Redmin fresh install : half French, half English!

Added by Jean-Michel C. about 13 years ago

Hi guys,
I just installed Redmine on a test Ubuntu server that happens to be "in French" (default local is French I assume) (which is probably a mistake in the fits place, buit anyway).

The issue I have is that Redmine seems to "half English, hamf French"...
I would really like it to be consistently in English.

When not logged in, the UI is in French and this is pretty consistent (as I browse from a French desktop, I assume the server is picking up my locale).

Then when logged in, the UI switch to Englishn which is fine as it is what I want, but some of the parameter data is still in French (roles bar "Non members" & "anonymous", trackers & issue statuses all "nicely" display in "langue de Molière" when I'd really want them in the language of Shakespeare ;).

Is there anyway to change this easily?
I understand I can pretty easily update their names/labels from the admin UI, but is it the way to go?

Many thanks, Jean-Michel

Replies (2)

RE: Redmin fresh install : half French, half English! - Added by Jean-Michel C. about 13 years ago

Sorry for the typos, I just realised that I cannot edit my post now, so be creative when reading ;).

RE: Redmin fresh install : half French, half English! - Added by terry lai about 9 years ago


I have the same problem. Do u have solution?
