


Problem to import database

Added by Andrea De Benedictis about 13 years ago

I have the following problem, I have my project on Redmine 1.1, when I backup my db and import it into another machine on which I Redmine, all the letters as a special "èéàì" are replaced with other characters, then the second machine, the issue of the texts are different from the first.
I used to do the export:

mysqldump.exe-u root-pmypass -default-character-set = latin1 bitnami_redmine> d: \ CartellaScambio \ bck.char-latin1.sql

and for imports:
mysql-u root-pmypass bitnami_redmine <d: \ bck.char-latin1.sql

Can you give me some advice please?

many thanks

ps i have the same problem in i use to export -default-character-set = utf8 o nothing