


Has anyone actually ever gotten redmine working on OS X + apache?

Added by Matthew Harrison about 13 years ago

I don't mean "It should theoretically work like any other *nix system", I mean has anyone ever followed the install guide on this site and gotten it working?

I've been wasting hours on this - I finally came to my senses and deleted all redmine from my server after passenger claimed it couldn't find curl + ssl for the third time after I just installed it.

I was hoping to get the install working so I could fix the install guide here, but this is not worth the time I've lost and I'll continue using my old issue tracker.

For the record, redmine worked fine using the webrick server, and script/about didn't report any issues. After jumping through a thousand hoops, I was able to get as far as redmine_error_log reporting: [error] [client] /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.11/lib/dispatcher.rb:23:in `require': no such file to load -- action_controller/dispatcher (LoadError)

Good luck to anyone who can get this working on OS X, and congrats to anyone who has already.