Task that preceedes or folows
Added by Milan Leszkow over 13 years ago
Hi, everyone
is there any posibility to plan task that preceedes or folows in the same day like it's ancestor or descendant?
If I'm create such tasks, the preceeding or following task is shifted do the next day. Manual setting in database causes that task can't be modified with error: start date is invalid.
task 1:
start: 2011-07-10
end: 2011-07-11
task 2 follows task 1:
start: shifted to 2011-07-12
end: 2011-07-13
Another question is, if there can be created task only for half a day (date & time)
Replies (1)
RE: Task that preceedes or folows
Added by Geoffrey Van Wyk over 13 years ago
It is not possible, since the minimum duration for an issue is hard code as one day, by not taking the time of day into account.
In answer to your second question: the date fields ignores any time data that you add to the date.