


Export time history to QuickBooks

Added by Laran Evans over 16 years ago

Is there any thought of being able to do this? Timesheets are critical to billing. And we track all of our invoices via QuickBooks. Being able to export reported time history into QuickBooks format so that it could be imported directly into the QB time log would be an amazing feature.

Replies (3)

RE: Export time history to QuickBooks - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

That's a job for Quickbooks developers: I don't want to spend $200 into a soft to dev' something they should provide for free.

RE: Export time history to QuickBooks - Added by Laran Evans over 16 years ago

They do provide an API. All you have to do is generate a file in a certain XML format. Quickbooks does the rest.
