


Multiple sessions...

Added by Tyler Z over 16 years ago

I need to access multiple instances of redmine on a server but currently only one session can exist across all instances. If I sign in to then I will be logged out of Is this due to Redmine or Rails? Is there a way around it? A solution is not to put all the projects under one instance of Redmine.


Replies (3)

RE: Multiple sessions... - Added by Tyler Z over 16 years ago

Oh... found it

set in environment.rb
ActionController::Base.session_options[:session_key] = '[appinstance]_session_id'

RE: Multiple sessions... - Added by Tyler Z over 16 years ago

Downloaded svn and now the previous mentioned solution to sessions no longer works, it seems all settings now go through and object "config", which I am struggling a bit to determine where it is defined and what methods are available to do what I wish. Anybody?


RE: Multiple sessions... - Added by Tyler Z over 16 years ago

Ok, found it:

config.action_controller.session = { :session_key => '[appinstance]_session_id' }
