Functionality similar to Jira
Added by Nick Shel about 13 years ago
Hi guys, I've been using Redmine and Jira for a while on different projects and I find that although Redmine is awesome for what it is (open-source free project) it does lag a bit behind Jira in a number of respects. In particular the most prominent seem to be presenting data in aggregated format on the homepage and on project pages, reporting and some form of workflow to allow automatically re-assigning issues under certain conditions. More logically presenting data is another aspect. I think if Redmine could evolve to add some of those features it would just blow Jira out of the water primarily due to the price difference as there would be less of a gap in terms of features. I don't think it would be particularly difficult to make improvements to the layout and get some aggregate information showing up on pages, but workflow and reporting are a bit more complex.
Have a look at what I mean here:
Presenting aggregate data on the homepage and on the project pages is also going to fill up the pages with useful high-level information and make those pages seem a lot less bare compared to what they are now. Most importantly this will be useful information that enables project members to see exactly what's going on across the projects and with each individual project.
What do you guys think?