


what is the most recent tested and stable version of Redmine & what addditiona benefits are conferred compared with version 1.05

Added by Oswald deSousa over 12 years ago

I have version 1.05 whihc I have used for setting upa project for a multi departmental group.

The improvements suggested are:
1. Email reminders to Assigned individuls who have not completed action by due date.
How can this be set up

2. Can the Email header when an issue or event is created be modified to show who is assigned to complete a task and who are watchers.This is to make things easier for certain groups who have to contend with a hundred or so emails a day, so it is easier for them to identify which emails need their immediate attention

3. Can Groups be assigned to receive an email notification which is relevant to them and not go out to all? Current default is email notification goes to all.

4. Current set up is The owner can create a subject then assign one person only (ownership) and add several watchers

5. There are currently a number of drop down List field, but it appears the number of possible values is 13 max that can be selected from the drop down list.

Hope this is clear?