


multi-company and permissions?

Added by Leandro Cibia over 12 years ago

Hello to the group,

sorry for my English, I speak Spanish.

I have a couple of companies where we have redmine. Each company has an installed redmine, but am considering carrying only 1 redmine, project management of my business.

My query is:

1) I can configure redmine multi-enterprise? or do I have to configure each company as a project? (and within each project, load the tasks and subtasks)

2) If I can not create multi-company, I can assign permissions to each user by project? that is, if I "Company1", "Company2" and "empresa3" I can assign a user to have permissions only to see "Company2"?

3) there are plugins to do that? or solves redmine?

Thanks for your time, thank you for your comment


Replies (1)

RE: multi-company and permissions? - Added by Dieter Egert over 12 years ago

Hello Nean

you are right: Just create seperate projects for each of your customers companies. Then you are able to assign them accordingly, for example
users assigned to grougs,
groups assigend to customers and to projects

Of course you are also able to assign users directly to projects, independently to groups. But using groups it will be much easier to manage a larger amout of users.
For each assignement above you will have to use a role. This role defines the access properties that will be applied to each user/group regarding the assigend project.

