


Change svn branch name

Added by Karol Lipnicki over 12 years ago

Hello All
I have an issue related to our internal project requirement.
After long discussions we decided to open internal issues to investigate that are we able to change name of subversion repository branch (svn move or svn copy) and reconfigure related issues/objects in Redmine database (remove and creation new scm configuration is not possible because we have open code review issues).
After test change of branch (BRANCH\Production >> BRANCH\CodeReviews) I changed repository URL value in table ‘repositories’ by sql update in MySQL Server. Concurrently I do updated in [changes] table to change path to changed files in svn repository.
Aftere these changes is possible to review source code of all objects in repository but I’m unable to check them In specified revisions or see diffs.

Tries to open url like this ciserver/code_review/show/productName?review_id=781 returns "The entry or revision was not found in the repository" - but in logs I can find svn diff or log batch command and when i put it manually in command line it returns proper results.

If you need any log files please let me know.