


Email notifications not working as expected?

Added by Daniel Morgan over 12 years ago

I am having trouble understanding how the email notifications work.
I opened issue #10656, but have not had any response.

Can anyone confirm whether my interpretation is correct?

  • Only for things I am assigned to
    This supposedly implies that an email is sent out only for issues the user is set as "Assignee".
    However, an email is sent out when the user is only an watcher of the issue.
  • Only for things I am the owner of
    This supposedly implies that an email is sent out only for issues the user is set as "Author".
    However, an email is sent out when the user is only an watcher of the issue.

Looking at the code of the method watcher_recipients, it looks as though watchers are sent an email even if they have set either of the above settings in their Account Settings.
This applies to Redmine 1.4.0.