


Users cannot see own notes in issue anymore

Added by Konstantin Palkin about 12 years ago

After some upgrade and plugin installation all users (except administrator) don't see their posted notes in issues.
What were installed:
First Redmine was updated from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4 with svn update. Looks like mo DB migration needed but I made just in case I didn't see any changes.

After that these plugins were installed:

  1. Advanced roadmap & milestones plugin
  2. Redmine Better Gantt Chart plugin
  3. Redmine Bugcloud plugin
  4. Redmine Bulk User Assignments
  5. Redmine Close Button plugin
  6. Default Assign plugin
  7. Redmine Wiki HTML Util
  8. Redmine Issue Notification plugin
  9. Redmine Monitoramento & Controle
  10. Preview attached files column plugin
  11. Redmine Todo Lists plugin
  12. Issues XLS export

I still don't know what is cause. User or global setting were not changed and nothing that could make affect for subject issue was made.

Replies (1)

RE: Users cannot see own notes in issue anymore - Added by Konstantin Palkin about 12 years ago

It's very weird but this feature related with Roles permission 'View estimated hours'. Before it was unchecked. Now I should select it for each Role.
