


Linux Recommendations

Added by Wayne Hankins about 16 years ago

Does anyone have a particular preference or recommendation on Linux verions for Redmine (Debian, Fedora, SuSe, etc)?

Replies (6)

RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 16 years ago

If you want to use a stable version, Debian install may not be the most appropriate, since ruby version in stable version (etch) is 1.8.5, which is a bit old for Redmine. But you can easily use backports or install it from sources, there's no problem. There's no pb in dev version (lenny). If you choose Debian, it's recommended not to use "rails" package, but installing it with gems.

I don't know Fedora, Suse or others enough.. Ubuntu or RHEL are totally ok in last version if I remember well, they provide recent enough packages for ruby, gem, rake, etc.

Anyway, Redmine can be installed nearly everywhere you have a recent install of ruby, gem, rake, and a DB, don't believe there's a really "better" distrib.

RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Eric Davis about 16 years ago

I'm running Debian stable (etch) with Redmine trunk and manually installed Rubygems. Has been really stable (>260 days of uptime) and easy to administer.


RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 16 years ago

Eric Hulser: with ruby from etch debian repos ?

Idiorsenongog Idiorsenongog: I forgot to say, even if my post seems to advise not installing it on etch, I'm actually running it on Debian etch and RHEL5.1, and both are OK, never had any system problem.

RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Chris Miller about 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

I'm running Debian stable (etch) with Redmine trunk and manually installed Rubygems. Has been really stable (>260 days of uptime) and easy to administer.

You must have more RAM than I do. My server keeps running out of memory and loosing processes. So I naturally have a buttload of cron jobs which kick everyone in the butt once in a while to make sure the slavebots are on duty.

I found that installing Ruby from source is an easy way to go.

wget <path to ruby source tarball>
tar -xf tarball
cd tarball
make install

Incredibly simple IMHO, though I have been rather ruined by Gentoo linux. YMMV.

If you don't have much RAM, I'd suggest Debian. In my experiences Red Hat-based package management uses more memory, which can sometimes push your running services over into "oh no, no more memory! kill -9!" and then you have to restart them which is annoying and ticks me off and makes the whole world evil and ugly.

RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Eric Davis about 16 years ago

Chris Miller wrote:

You must have more RAM than I do. My server keeps running out of memory and loosing processes. So I naturally have a buttload of cron jobs which kick everyone in the butt once in a while to make sure the slavebots are on duty.

I'm running on 1GB of RAM and have monit killing any mongrels if they exceed 150MB of RAM. Only problems I've seen is from bad bots not obeying robots.txt and spiking the mongrels. monit usually restarts the mongrels quickly and I just have to wait a minute or two.


RE: Linux Recommendations - Added by Chris Miller about 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Chris Miller wrote:

You must have more RAM than I do. My server keeps running out of memory and loosing processes. So I naturally have a buttload of cron jobs which kick everyone in the butt once in a while to make sure the slavebots are on duty.

I'm running on 1GB of RAM and have monit killing any mongrels if they exceed 150MB of RAM. Only problems I've seen is from bad bots not obeying robots.txt and spiking the mongrels. monit usually restarts the mongrels quickly and I just have to wait a minute or two.


Lucky. I only have enough memory for one Mongrel process. Luckily I'm also a fairly low-traffic site, but assuming someday I write something that other people like...

I'm in trouble.
