issue filter doesn't work after upgrade from 1.2.3 to 1.4.4
Added by Roman Yeryomin over 12 years ago
I have done usual upgrade procedure on Ubuntu server 12.04, using:
ruby 1.8.7 with bundled gems:
- actionmailer (2.3.14)
- actionpack (2.3.14)
- activerecord (2.3.14)
- activeresource (2.3.14)
- activesupport (2.3.14)
- bundler (1.0.21)
- cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
- coderay (1.0.7)
- daemons (1.1.6)
- fastercsv (1.5.5)
- fastthread (1.0.7)
- gem_plugin (0.2.3)
- i18n (0.4.2)
- mongrel (1.1.5)
- mysql (2.8.1)
- net-ldap (0.3.1)
- pg (0.14.0)
- rack (1.1.3)
- rails (2.3.14)
- rake (
- rmagick (2.13.1)
- ruby-openid (2.1.8)
- sqlite3 (1.3.6)
- tzinfo (0.3.33)
Anyone knows what could be the problem?
Replies (2)
RE: issue filter doesn't work after upgrade from 1.2.3 to 1.4.4
Added by Roman Yeryomin over 12 years ago
seems this should be in "Help", can it be moved there?
RE: issue filter doesn't work after upgrade from 1.2.3 to 1.4.4
Added by Roman Yeryomin over 12 years ago
It appeared that I hit some weird caching problem.
I use cherokee which does different kinds of i/o caching but even after disabling all of them it didn't work.
It started to work only after I deleted the old redmine directory (adjacent to current one).