Ability to select project/subproject from issue creation form
Added by b b over 12 years ago
Hi, we use redmine for SPIP dev on http://core.spip.org/ and we have a question about issue creation form.
We have a main project (SPIP core) and subprojects (SPIP official plugins). We would like to allow users to create an issue directly from the main project but with the ability to select if the issue is attached to the main project or on of his subprojects.
We have configured redmine to show the subprojects issues on the main project list, but we are afraid that users won't go to the subprojects page before wreating issues. Generally they go to the main project page, an create issues from there.
So we are searching a way to select project from issue creation form. Does anyone know a way to do that ?
We just upgraded ou redmine install to trunk in order to benefit of the new tab in workflow conf, we can now set project to readonly and things like that, but it doesn't show a select to assign a project in the issue form. I've searched all the plugins availables, and could'nt get one to do that.
Thanks in advance for your hints.
Replies (2)
RE: Ability to select project/subproject from issue creation form
Added by Rolf Kluge over 12 years ago
I am looking for something similar. Thanks for your hints.
RE: Ability to select project/subproject from issue creation form
Added by dj jones about 11 years ago
The existing 'Copy Issue' page (link is bottom right when you have an issue open), does already show combos for project and Tracker.
So may be easy to make the 'New issue' form have those too.
Not looked at the 'copy issue' code, how easy to use it in New issue page.