


Import from Lighthouse

Added by Joseph Pearson over 15 years ago

I coded up a rake task that uses the Lighthouse API to migrate your LH account data into Redmine.

Details here:

Posted here in case anyone else has similar requirements.

Replies (3)

RE: Import from Lighthouse - Added by Ben Mishkin over 15 years ago

I've made some fixes and enhancements to the script. The major fix was to correctly handle the pagination of tickets in the API. Also cleaned up issue matching, added more console output.

In order to correctly import issue states, you need to create identically-named statuses in redmine.

Would like to do:
  • import previous comments
  • create or map existing issue states -> statuses automatically
  • gracefully handle slow lighthouse / timeouts / other http errors

Can we get this added to the redmine lib/tasks?

lighthouse_import.rake (5.97 KB) lighthouse_import.rake lighthouse -> redmine migration script

RE: Import from Lighthouse - Added by Jon Wu almost 14 years ago

This is sweet. Should this still work on the newest 1.01? We're on Lighthoue but once I get Redmine up and stable I think we're going to switch too!

RE: Import from Lighthouse - Added by Ben Mishkin almost 14 years ago

No idea, it's been quite a long time since I used it.

I would check and see if the API for lighthouse, or the models in redmine, have changed much.

If either has, it shouldn't be too tough to migrate.

Note that the import doesn't bring in issue comments, when i last checked the Lighthouse API didn't support exporting them.
