


Deleting Attachment from Description deletes file from History forever

Added by @ go2null almost 12 years ago

I'd like to run this by the Forum available before posting as either as Defect/Feature. =======================================================================================

When an attachment is added via an update, it is automatically added to the Description.
This is fine and desirable most of the time.

However, whenever the file is removed from the Description, it is actually deleted, and is no longer available, even from the update that added it.

This is not desirable and nor expected.
  1. It compromises the auditing integrity.
  2. The file is no longer available.

The desired behaviour is that the file is removed from the list in the Description.
The main reason for doing this will be clean up the Description, especially when the issue is resolved.

If a file is really required to be deleted, then it should be deleted from the original post that added it. (Noting that this compromises auditing.)
This functionality is not currently available.

In summary there are two components:
  1. New ability to Delete attachments from the Updates.
  2. Change Delete to Remove in Description for files added as Updates. (Files added during Issue Creation will still have Delete functionality in Description.)