


Need a little help with general setup and usage..

Added by J Mitchell about 12 years ago

We actually have it working but I am having some issues figuring out the best way to get it set up for our environment and actually being able to use it.

I am mostly trying to figure out how Roles, Groups, and Trackers relate and should be used.

We want to be able to have the main project and then assign tasks like "Server", "Network", "Programming" etc so that the various groups in our MIS team will be able to see what their responsibilities are for.

So I am not sure how to set up the hierarchy for the users of the system.
Say I have Tom and Bob in the Network group.
Pete and Sam in Server, and Tammy as the programmer.

Do I set up one Group for each team and then how do I assign specific tasks to those teams?

Or do I create Trackers for each type of task, like programming, server, etc and then somehow link a group to that tracker?

I have looked at the user guide and it doesn't really explain how to tweak the system for IT projects from it's stock condition which seems specifically targeted at software development. We want to use it for things like hardware rollouts and setting up new departments and such where multiple groups would be responsible for different portions of one larger project.

Any suggestions, or links to FAQs etc are welcomed! TY in advance.

Replies (4)

RE: Need a little help with general setup and usage.. - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Many ways lead to Rome... It depends on personal and organizational preferences, you could do this:
Setup 3 Groups (Tom + Bob, Pete + Sam, Tammy). You can later assign tickets to either an individual, or the whole group.
Create categories (project -> Settings -> Issue categories), you can call them the same as the groups above. Set the appropriate group as assignee.

If you now open a new issue and set the category, it will, in turn, assign the issue to the group.

Is that what you want?

RE: Need a little help with general setup and usage.. - Added by J Mitchell almost 12 years ago

Ok so I have several groups and added various users to groups.
But when I go to create tasks and it asks for Assignee and only lists specific users, not groups.

Also if I go to the project itself and add members, I can add groups there and remove groups, and it auto adds all the users in the groups I add.

If I create an issue, and want to assign it to a group, because multiple people CAN complete it so I don't want to assign it to one specific person, what's the trick?

I Create a tracker called "Software Install"
I create a group with tech 1,2,3 in it called "Techs".
I create a project called Upgrade Software.
I create an issue and choose tracker "Software Install" and make it public.
If I look at Assignee it only shows the list of individual users in "techs" but not "Techs".
I don't change anything else and I want to allow all 3 techs to see the "Issue" and be able to work on it based on whomever sees it first or happens to be on shift at that time.

RE: Need a little help with general setup and usage.. - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

J Mitchell wrote:

Ok so I have several groups and added various users to groups.
But when I go to create tasks and it asks for Assignee and only lists specific users, not groups.

Then you haven't done it right...

Also if I go to the project itself and add members, I can add groups there and remove groups, and it auto adds all the users in the groups I add.

Correct behaviour, yes.

If I create an issue, and want to assign it to a group, because multiple people CAN complete it so I don't want to assign it to one specific person, what's the trick?

No tricks, just like described above...

I Create a tracker called "Software Install"
I create a group with tech 1,2,3 in it called "Techs".
I create a project called Upgrade Software.
I create an issue and choose tracker "Software Install" and make it public.

You need to assign the group to the project (in the group there's a tab for that), and you have to add permissions for the role the group belongs to in the workflow. A group has a role and a role has permissions in workflows...

Just play around a bit, the hard part at the beginning is that redmine is so versatile and highly configurable - something you'll like later :-)

RE: Need a little help with general setup and usage.. - Added by Jeremy R almost 12 years ago

I was having the same trouble finding out how to do this.

For me, the missing ingredient was the following setting which I stumbled upon while searching out something else:

Administration -> Settings -> Issue Tracking

Select the "Allow issue assignment to groups" checkbox.

J Mitchell wrote:

If I look at Assignee it only shows the list of individual users in "techs" but not "Techs".
