


Adding issue category name as css class

Added by Najib Mestaoui about 11 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have been using redmine for about 8 months now and I'd like to add the ability to style issues depending on its category name. I believe this is a basic task but my knowledge in ruby is almost none so if anyone could help me would be very appreciated. I am also concerned whether this is the right procedure or not??

in issue.rb

def css_classes
s = "issue tracker-#{tracker_id} status-#{status_id} #{priority.try(:css_classes)}"
s << ' closed' if closed?
s << ' overdue' if overdue?
s << ' child' if child?
s << ' parent' unless leaf?
s << ' private' if is_private?
s << ' created-by-me' if User.current.logged? && author_id
s << ' assigned-to-me' if User.current.logged? && assigned_to_id
s << ' #{}'

Thank you.


sorry posted in wrong forum :(

Replies (2)

RE: Adding issue category name as css class - Added by Najib Mestaoui about 11 years ago

ok, I managed to print category ID by using " #{category_id}" no I need to get category name using this id
anyone can give me some helping words :)

thank you.

RE: Adding issue category name as css class - Added by Najib Mestaoui about 11 years ago

I found ittttttt :D #{project.issue_categories.find_by_id(category_id)}
final code is as follow

def css_classes
s = "issue tracker-#{tracker_id} status-#{status_id} #{priority.try(:css_classes)} "
s << ' closed' if closed?
s << ' overdue' if overdue?
s << ' child' if child?
s << ' parent' unless leaf?
s << ' private' if is_private?
s << ' created-by-me' if User.current.logged? && author_id
s << ' assigned-to-me' if User.current.logged? && assigned_to_id
s << " #{project.issue_categories.find_by_id(category_id)}"
