


Why custom integer fields not searchable?

Added by Sergei Danilov over 11 years ago

I found that because of the there is no way to make custom integer fields to be searchable.

When I changed code from

      self.searchable = false if %w(int float date bool).include?(field_format)

      self.searchable = false if %w(float date bool).include?(field_format)

I can make my custom integer fields to be searchable. And successfully search on them!

So, what the reason to prohibit search on custom integer fields?

Replies (1)

RE: Why custom integer fields not searchable? - Added by thomas jahn about 11 years ago

thank you - that helped me a lot.

in addition: to make the integer custom-field searchable, i had to set the searchable-Flag in the database, just in the table custom_fields.searchable=1

so far i haven't noticed any errors with that.
