


How to insert the fields of issues's attributes to gantt?

Added by mo gang almost 11 years ago

I once try to change something in show.html.erb in
for example:

<%= check_box_tag "draw_rels", params["draw_rels"], params[:set_filter].blank? || params[:draw_rels] >
rels = [IssueRelation::TYPE_BLOCKS, IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES] >
rels.each do |rel| >
color = Redmine::Helpers::Gantt::DRAW_TYPES[rel][:color] >
= content_tag(:span, '   '.html_safe,
:style => "background-color: #{color}") >
= l(IssueRelation::TYPES[rel][:name]) >
< end %>
I replace [:name] with [:status]

how amazing?

gantt's view still show the name of project& ralated issues

but I want show some fields of issues's attributes after the name of issue ,separated by comma

what shall I do?