


Filtering on integer custom fields.

Added by Donald Bosart over 15 years ago

Perhaps this information is already readily available but I've not been successful in finding it so far.

I have created a custom field called "Customer Incidence" of type integer. The idea is that if we get repeated reports of issues by our customers that this count would be incremented.

The problem is when I attempt to filter on this field. The criteria offered by Redmine seems more suited to string comparison rather than integer comparison with "is", "is not", "contains", "does not contain".

Older issues that were added prior to the field of course have no entry and new issues apparently have some definition even though I did not specify a default.

Are there values I can specify for "contains" for instance that would allow me to detect tickets that actually set the Customer Incidence field to some number (in other words, non-nil or non-empty? Preferably I'd like to simply say >0. I could specify a default of 0 in that instance and be able to differentiate tickets.

Unfortunately I am not the person who updates the Redmine instance so I cannot tell you the present software configuration of Redmine (although I know we recently updated to pick up better search capabilites).

Donald Bosart.