


Faults in install redmine 2.4.2 on Win7 x64

Added by Iron Hawk over 10 years ago

Hello, All.

I have some troubles with install Redmine 2.4.2, detailed description my steps in next.
Preinstall configuration:
  • Windows 7 professions x64 SP1
  • MySQL 5.5.34 CE x64
  • RedMine 2.4.2
  • Rubyinstaller-2.0.0-p353-x64
  • Ruby DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx
    Operating system and MySQL installed and configured special for try and overview Redmine.

Step 1:
Install the Ruby 2.0.0 from Rubyinstaller-2.0.0-p353-x64.exe in path C:\Ruby200x64\
Add path C:\Ruby200x64 and C:\Ruby200x64\bin in system environment variable PATH

Step 2:
Install the Ruby DevKit from DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe in path C:\RubyDevKit\
Add paths C:\RubyDevKit;C:\RubyDevKit\bin;C:\RubyDevKit\mingw;C:\RubyDevKit\mingw\bin; in system environment variable PATH

Step 3:
Create database, user and granted all privileges, for redmine in MySQL
Copy the libmysql.dll from to C:\Ruby200x64\bin

Step 4:
Extract and rename for look like C:\Redmine

Step 5:
In cmd execute command

C:\redmine>gem install bundler


Successfully installed bundler-1.5.3
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.5.3
1 gem installed

Step 6:
In cmd execute command

C:\redmine>bundle install –without development test rmagick


DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
Using rake (10.1.1)
Using i18n (0.6.9)
Using multi_json (1.8.4)
Using activesupport (3.2.16)
Using builder (3.0.0)
Using activemodel (3.2.16)
Using erubis (2.7.0)
Using journey (1.0.4)
Using rack (1.4.5)
Using rack-cache (1.2)
Using rack-test (0.6.2)
Using hike (1.2.3)
Using tilt (1.4.1)
Using sprockets (2.2.2)
Using actionpack (3.2.16)
Using mime-types (1.25.1)
Using polyglot (0.3.3)
Using treetop (1.4.15)
Using mail (2.5.4)
Using actionmailer (3.2.16)
Using arel (3.0.3)
Using tzinfo (0.3.38)
Using activerecord (3.2.16)
Using activeresource (3.2.16)
Using coderay (1.1.0)
Using rack-ssl (1.3.3)
Using json (1.8.1)
Using rdoc (3.12.2)
Using thor (0.18.1)
Using railties (3.2.16)
Using jquery-rails (2.0.3)
Using net-ldap (0.3.1)
Using ruby-openid (2.3.0)
Using rack-openid (1.4.2)
Using bundler (1.5.3)
Using rails (3.2.16)
Your bundle is complete!
Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Step 7:
In file c:\redmine\config\database.yml commit all lines except

adapter: mysql2
database: redmine
port: 3306
username: redmine
password: " redmine "
encoding: utf8

and save.

Step 8:
Read and execute recommendations from:
In cmd execute command
C:\redmine>gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-dir=c:\MySQLConnCv6.1.3

Building native extensions with: '--with-mysql-dir=c:\MySQLConnCv6.1.3'
This could take a while...
Successfully installed mysql2-0.3.15
Parsing documentation for mysql2-0.3.15
unable to convert "\x90" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/mysql2/, skipping
1 gem installed

Where c:\MySQLConnCv6.1.3 downloaded from

Step 9:
In cmd execute command
C:\redmine>rake generate_secret_token
Result: no errors or other actions

Step 10:
In cmd execute command

C:\redmine>set RAILS_ENV=production

Result: no errors or other actions

C:\redmine>echo RAILS_ENV



Step 11:
In cmd execute command

C:\redmine>rake db:migrate


rake aborted!
Please install the mysql2 adapter: `gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter` (mysql2 is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.)
C:/RedMine/config/environment.rb:14:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Next steps useless.

Where my fault, in Step 3 or in Step 8?
I am try use(copy in C:\Ruby200x64\bin) several versions libmysql.dll, no effect.
When gem request ‘activerecord-musql2-adapter’, I am ignore it, like described in item 5.

What need execute my for success install of Redmine?

Thank you.

Replies (2)

RE: Faults in install redmine 2.4.2 on Win7 x64 - Added by Tony Ordner over 10 years ago

it says you may get that error but do not install the adapter. "The error simply means that the connector you are trying to use does not work." You should pick a different adapter for mysql2. I am using this one mysql-connector-c-noinstall-6.0.2-win32.

good luck

RE: Faults in install redmine 2.4.2 on Win7 x64 - Added by Роман Лебедев almost 10 years ago

Tony Ordner wrote:

it says you may get that error but do not install the adapter. "The error simply means that the connector you are trying to use does not work." You should pick a different adapter for mysql2. I am using this one mysql-connector-c-noinstall-6.0.2-win32.

good luck

Спасибо за ответ, но ваш метод мне не помог.
Может кто решил эту проблему по другому?

Moderator edit Please use English language
