


Hide list of members in project overview

Added by Joe Chin over 15 years ago

For security purposes I would like to suppress the list of members in the project overview to everyone accept the project admistrators.

In app/views/projects/show.rhtml I'm trying to modify this block of code

<div class="splitcontentright">
    <% if @members_by_role.any? %>
    <div class="box">
        <h3 class="icon22 icon22-users"><%=l(:label_member_plural)%></h3>    
        <p><% @members_by_role.keys.sort.each do |role| %>
        <%= %>:
        <%= @members_by_role[role].collect(&:user).sort.collect{|u| link_to_user u}.join(", ") %>
        <br />
        <% end %></p>
    <% end %>

I believe what I need is @members_by_role.admin or something like that. I believe I can do this in projects_controller.rb in app/controller/ but it causes an error when I display the page.

Replies (28)

RE: Hide list of members in project overview - Added by Joel Bearden almost 8 years ago

I have version 0.5.7 of the plugin installed. There is a check box in the "Roles and Permissions" labeled "Hide in memberbox". I have that selected and the member is still visible. There is no box labeled "hide role in member".

RE: Hide list of members in project overview - Added by Joel Bearden almost 8 years ago


I believe I have determined the problem, or at least why the "Hide Role in memberbox" isn't working. Apparently there is a plugin incompatibility issue...

The RM+ Usability plugin ( prevents tweaks plugin from "Hiding" the member box.

Any ideas?

For now, I've uninstalled the Usability plugin.

RE: Hide list of members in project overview - Added by William Conley almost 8 years ago

I don't have that plugin, so I can't be of much help (no time! LOL), but I did want to say "kudos" for at least bringing this much of your diagnosis here and posting it for "the next guy". *)
