


Issue with LDAP

Added by Chris West about 10 years ago


I am currently expierencing some issues with redmine and LDAP.
I got the server so far up and running.
LDAP Login using MySQL is working so far.
But I want to manager User Accounts over LDAP Exclusive, because I also have an gitlab running on the same system as well as the test case managment and much more (auth over ldap)

I followed the instructions here:

But I can't get the group related stuff running.

Everytime when I query ldap using

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=ldap,dc=localhost -x -W -b 'dc=ldap,dc=localhost' -H 'ldap://' '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(memberOf=cn=redmine,ou=groups,dc=ldap,dc=localhost))'

I don't get any results.
But there is at least one member (when I look using phpLdapAmin.

What am I missing?
I setup the object as required in the link.
I can see all required properties, but I don't get a result :(

Please help.