


Email Notifications Fails for All Members when One Email is Invalid

Added by James H about 10 years ago

I have a project with groups of people.
News added sends out notifications to all members of the project as expected.

When I add a new user to a group or to the project itself and they have an invalid email, email notifications fails to send to everyone, not just the user with the invalid email.
I believe it only acts this way when the email address that is "invalid" has a valid domain. I.E. when I have accounts with completely fake emails (e.g. ) then the rest of the emails still sends out to the other members, however when I have an account that has a valid domain (e.g. ) then the emails fail to send as a whole.

I feel this is not how it should be, it should be able to send emails to the rest of the members, even if the email is invalid.

Is this good enough to be a "Defect"?

Replies (1)

RE: Email Notifications Fails for All Members when One Email is Invalid - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago

I vaguely remember that something similar was on the trackers recently ...
Ah, there you are: #14403

I just checked the behavior of my mail clients, it's different from what JPL describes.
I try to send a mail to 2 recipients, i.e. one address exists while the second doesn't.
The result is that one copy of the mail is delivered, and the other is not.

The behavior is the same regardless if I put both adresses in the "To" field or either one of them in the Cc oder Bcc.
Please open a new issue ticket of type defect and reference the old one.
