Easy Redmine Spam
Added by Christoph Nelles over 10 years ago
Just got a spam mail at the here registered mail address:
Easy Redmine 2014 Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, ich heiße Pavel Kučera, ich bin jetzt für den deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Markt verantwortlich, ich wollte Ihnen mitteilen, dass die Unterstützung für Easy Redmine jetzt auch in der deutsche Sprache möglich ist. [...]
Has anybody got this mail, too? And is this Pavel Kucera known?
Replies (2)
RE: Easy Redmine Spam
Added by Jan Niggemann (redmine.org team member) over 10 years ago
Nope, my address is on public display here, and I did not get such an email.
Easy Redmine is known, and has even donated to redmine.org.
Pavel Kucera is an account manager at their company, at least it seems so: http://www.easyredmine.com/de/robert2
We had this discussion a year ago, see #13648 and Anyone else just receive Easy Redmine spam?
- redmine.org and its developers are in no way affiliated to Easy Redmine
- Redmine.org won't give out your email addresses
- We consider SPAM to be very bad behavior and, depending on your legislation, it's even illegal
You can hide your email address in your account settings ("My account" in the upper right corner).
If your address is on public display, everyone could theoretically scrape it...
RE: Easy Redmine Spam
Added by Christoph Nelles over 10 years ago
Hello Jan,
thanks for the answer. I searched for Easy Redmine before posting, but haven't found this spam thread.
And i was not aware that e-mail addresses are public by default. I will fix that.
Thanks again.