


SLA Violation Notification

Added by Joby Joseph about 10 years ago

Hi Team ,

Would like to know if the existing version has the below options :-

1] Email notification based on SLA . eg; mail to be sent to a group if SLA is violated
2] Require a report which has update timings for each iterations . [like in pdf which is for one issue]

Thanks and Regards
J Joseph

Replies (5)

RE: SLA Violation Notification - Added by Joby Joseph about 10 years ago

Thanks for the update.

By any chance is there a possibility of including the mentioned features .

Thanks and Regards
J Joseph

RE: SLA Violation Notification - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago

See #15021...

A concept would have to be drafted and then implemented.
  • Where would SLAs be configured?
  • How would they be measured?
  • How to report violations?

That would be a very huge task to tackle, as it would require deep changes in redmine IMHO...

RE: SLA Violation Notification - Added by Joby Joseph about 10 years ago

Hi Jan ,

I feel this requirement would complete the concept of Issue Tracker . As far as i am concerned - Redmine is the most simplest and effective tool i have used. I was able to implement it "FRESHLY" to a new team without any major glitches as i didn't want to train anyone.
Almost all features are Simple and anyone can do type . As for performance - Excellent .

Please find my comments for each point :-

Where would SLAs be configured? ::- Each Category should be clubbed to the SLA timings eg Critical = 30 mts , HIGH =4 hours. A ticket not updated or worked on will invoke a notification based on the category .
How would they be measured? ::- As mentioned Category should be matched with a time interval [configurable project wise ] .
How to report violations? ::- There should be multiple escalation points for each category ie lets say a critical issue is not updated in 30 mts , it should invoke a notification to next level. If next level doesn't respond or update in the configured time say 30 + 15 mts another notification should go to his next level .

Thanks and Regards
Joby Joseph
