


redmine + subversion + SASL

Added by Sonar Nautilus almost 16 years ago

I use Apache and Passenger. Installed Redmine. Everything works fine.
Then installed Subversion, which uses SASL. I made a test repository. Added to the project repository, specify the username and password for the user in the sasl.
Now, at the entrance to the tab "Repository" I saw confirmed the changes but do not see the tree repository. And when I try to pass on their way http://mysite/projects/test/repository/revisions/2/entry/trunk/dvs%20команды.txt get the message "The entry or revision was not found in the repository."
repository works fine via the TortoiseSVN.
What could be wrong?

Replies (1)

RE: redmine + subversion + SASL - Added by Sonar Nautilus almost 16 years ago

Sorry, I am a fool)) is decided
