


Download all bugs as json

Added by Robin Ovrebo over 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I would like to download all bugs in the database as json, is this possible?

The only way I found to download any jsons was through extending the issues page with .json, however it only shows a list of 25 bugs; See:

I either need a link with all bugs in one json,
I need to be able to cycle from one link to the next, holding x jsons each pr link.

Thanks for any help,

Replies (2)

RE: Download all bugs as json - Added by Lucile Quirion over 9 years ago


You should check the wiki, it explains how to access Redmine's data via its API.
I suggest to read the Rest_API and Rest_Issues pages.

You can either get issues.json via your browser or a tool/script/program: languages/tools examples

To get the list of bugs of, I guess you're looking for the list of issues filtered with the tracker 'defect'.
The first step would be to get the tracker id:

GET /trackers.json

Then iterate over the issue offset to get all the issues:
GET /issues.json?tracker_i=1&limit=100&offset=0

JSON last attributes "total_count":1027,"offset":0,"limit":100 give you the current offset and issue total_count.

RE: Download all bugs as json - Added by Robin Ovrebo over 9 years ago

Hi Lucile,

That is perfect,

Thank you very much!
