


Phusion Passenger version and Redmine 3.0

Added by Guy Kloss over 9 years ago


I've just spent at least half a day to track down a problem I was having after upgrading Redmine 2.6.2 --> 3.0.0. I think this might be worth adding to the documentation in some way, but it would be worth somebody looking over it, as I'm in no way experienced in RoR at all!

Anyway, the install was/is running on Debian Wheezy (current stable) on top of Apache with the passenger module.

When upgrading it has given me all kinds of cryptic error messages spewed out on screen when trying to load any page. In the end, the way to solve it was to ditch the Debian Wheezy repository provided passenger module for Apache (version 3.0.13 I believe), and replace it with a more up-to-date version from the Phusion Passenger project's repositories (version 4.0.59), and things have worked.

So, I don't know whether the problem was that the never version of Passenger, or whether the Debian Wheezy provided version of Passenger actually executes everything using Ruby 1.8, whereas everything else was installed using Ruby 1.9.3. So I may unknowingly have been running Redmine up to 2.6.2 using Ruby 1.8 rather than 1.9.3 which it was installed with.

Either way, it may be worth making that more explicit in the documentation that this could be an issue, or that a certain version of passenger >= x.y.z is required to run it successfully.

Hope that helps,
