


How To Export Redmine Issues Using SQL

Added by Roger Keays about 9 years ago

Hi guys,

Recently I had to export an old set of redmine issues from the database using SQL and figured I might as well share the query I ended up with. It uses some postgres-specific functions but you might be able to find replacements if you need to. It also puts in code-folding markers so you can browse the exported issues in an editor that supports code folding like VIM.

$ psql -A -F '' -c " 
  select '{{{ ' || project_id || '/' || id || ' ' ||  subject || E'\n\n',
         replace(regexp_replace(description, '\s+$', ''), '}}}', '} } }') || E'\n',
         (select array_to_string(array_agg('Comment posted on ' || created_on || E'\n\n' ||
                 replace(regexp_replace(notes, '\s+$', ''), '}}}', '} } }')), E'\n\n') from
                 (select * from journals where notes <> '' and journalized_type='Issue' and
                  order by created_on) as ordered_comments), E'\n}}}'
         from issues order by project_id desc, created_on desc" -Upostgres -hlocalhost redmine > issues.txt

$ vim issues.txt
:set foldmethod=marker

I posted this to my blog also, which is where you'll find me if you want to give some feedback:

Hope this helps someone.