


tracking developer time

Added by Robert Williams almost 9 years ago


One of our team checked out various project management tools and Redmine is in the short list. I poked around with the demo quickly to see if Redmine would handle a case that we are trying to resolve. The case is that we need to track developer's projects in a timeline approach, so that we can see how far out the developers are booked. We are trying to do resource management and I would like to see if Redmine can help us out in this case.

If we have say 7 team members, we would like to be able to layout all of their tasks, which can come under various projects, in a single timeline (resource overview). This would allow us to see how far into the future a certain task might be completed. We also need to factor in vacations, holidays, offtime, meetings, etc. Then of course the ocassional "fix this yesterday" must be allowed to bump all the tasks into the future. There are possibly other factors, but these come to mind right off.

I am hoping that someone can help us out and let us know if this is possible with Redmine or not. Thank you for your help!
