Approval Process Question
Added by Ben Franklin over 9 years ago
I help to manage a software development team, and in our workflow, we have an approval process. However; in Redmine, there is no default approval process. Looking for the ability to assign 1 or more than 1 approver to an issue; allowing the approver to Approve, or Reject (with reject reason), and dates approved.
Use Case:
Business user submits a change request, based on the type of request, it could require approval from management from 1 or more than 1 list of approvers.
Any help would be appreciated.
Replies (4)
RE: Approval Process Question
Added by Petr Pospisil about 9 years ago
Hello Ben,
we plan to create Redmine Approval Plugin which will work as a specific custom field. To explain our idea.
Here is our vision:
1) new custom field type: "approval custom field"
this custom field is applicable on trackers, crm cases, projects - all the entities
2) definition of custom field:
you define users (approver), whose approval is needed - approvers multiselect from Redmine users
you define property and its value which needs approval
CRM case need approval from Slavek, Ondrej (approvers) to switch its status (property) to quotation (value)
Use case:
Custom field is applied on CRM case, as approvers are selected "Slavek + Ondrej", as property is selected "status" and as value "quotation"
Lili switches CRM case from opportunity to quotation. After saving the CRM case, status is marked as: "Quotation-waiting for approval" and emails are send to Ondrej + Slavek (approvers).
Approvers can access the entity detail regardless of access rights.
If approvers access the entitty detail there is radion button (or check-box) Approve: yes / no + comment (text input-box) and approvers can choose and save.
Standard "quotation" status is not allowed unless it is approved - saved as "yes" by all approvers.
3) in Easy Querry
status is: waiting for approval
approver is: any user/me
4) in Options
If you are interested, let me know how our design suits you.
Ondrej, from Easy Redmine Team:
P.S. for Jan and other guys from Redmine - the plan is to make custom field as Free Open Source Plugin
RE: Approval Process Question
Added by Ben Franklin about 9 years ago
Thank you for the response, based on the requirements and use cases provided, the concepts you have outlined should work.
Is there a possibility of adding a couple additional requirements:
a) when an approver approves a request, it auto fills in a custom 'Approval Date' field (I know it already updates the notes, but having a field with this information that can be queried would be helpful for compliance/reporting purposes) for each approver.
b) when an approver approves a request, it allows a field in the issues view to see if any approvals are still pending, providing sorting/filtering capabilities
Many thanks.
RE: Approval Process Question
Added by Ben Franklin about 9 years ago
Also, it would be nice if non-members were able to be searched and allowed to be added as an approver. My understanding is that a Reporter is a global role, and we are trying to maintain all users as reporters, but they are not able to be selected. This is causing us to create workarounds in how we maintain users.