


coordinating work across multiple Redmines and other systems

Added by Daniel Pocock about 9 years ago

A lot of theory suggests that it is best to use a single tool for things (e.g. having a single form that can lookup a customer in all the systems and databases in a company) and this makes people tremendously more productive.

A common problem I come across in free software development is that organizations are using one system (e.g. a bug tracker or repository) externally and a different instance of each system internally and it is a pain for people to look in both systems and keep things in sync.

Another situation that occurs is that people use a dependency from some other organization and that other organization is tracking their issues in some system and people have to manually track the relationships between bugs in the different systems.

Can anybody comment on strategies for dealing with this using Redmine?

For example,

- lets say I'm running a Redmine instance and I create an issue but it is blocked by an issue in some public Bugzilla, can Redmine detect when the issue is resolved in Bugzilla and let me know that I can now start working on my own issue?

- another scenario: lets say a user has a private Redmine at home for tracking a renovation project, a public Redmine instance for a free software project and an internal company Redmine for the proprietary part of their infrastructure. Is there an easy way for this person to see at a glance all the things they have to do for the day or week across all those instances of Redmine?

This year we had a GSoC student working on aggregating data from different sources like Bugzilla and Github, this addresses some of these issues but I'm looking for more in-depth feedback about what can be achieved with Redmine