


Copying Categories between projects or from template

Added by Martin Freiberger over 15 years ago


i have a problem and also a proposal for a additional function in Redminhe.

First the problem:
In our company we want to use Redmine. One "not so nice" thing is, that we need about three dozend Categories (About 5 "big" categories and a lot of sub-categories) and that we often need to create aubprojects.
At the moment i seems to me that for every subproject i need to input the whole list of categories every time i create a new subproject.
Is there a way to copy these categories from one (sub-)project into another? Maybe on SQL-Level or something?

1. The Categorie listing should support "Main"-Categories and "Sub-"Categories. In the settings it should be possible to choose on Project-Level if it should be possible only to choose Sub-Categories or also Main-Categories.

2. Categories should be able to be
2.1. copied from another Project
2.2 (or) to be inherit from the main-project. In a way that you can chosse a own categorie list for a subproject or to inherit it from the main-project.
2.3 (or) it should be possible to create different sample-Categirie-lists that can be copied to a (main/sub)project.

I think 2.1 and especialy 2.2 should be easy to implement.

Specuially about Subprojects is to say that it seems to me (well I#m not sure if i havent discovered some functionality) that the subprojects could inherit some more settings from the main-project to ease the administration of redmine. This functionality (inherit from main-project / own settings in subproject) could cover the categories and the the project members.

This is just an Idea of mine.

And i want to thank all Redmine developers and helpers for there great job. I have tried a half dozend different open-source Ticketsystems and Redmine is really the best i found. ;-) Thank you!
