


Measure cycle time (lead time)

Added by Malin Rimbark almost 9 years ago


I use the agile plugin to Redmine and we use it as a Kanban board with several different statuses (columns in the Kanban board). We use the field Status for differens states a ticked can have (eg. todo, development, demo, verify, test, ready for production, closed/done). In the agile board the team members have the ability to drag the tickets between different statuses.

Now I would like to measure our cycle time on ticket level. I want to measure the time (number of days or hours) it takes for a ticket to go from status todo through the different statuses to closed (this I can do with lead time in Redmine). But I don't only want to measure a ticket from created/opened to closed but also for how long time the ticket stays in the different statuses (what is usually called cycle time), eg. the time (in days or hours) it takes for a ticket to go from development to demo to verify. The reason for this is to see where we have the bottle necks in our process to be able to optimize the process.

Have anyone else done this? How?

Replies (3)

RE: Measure cycle time (lead time) - Added by Lena Pallna over 7 years ago

Have the same question.
So pity there is no any answer so far ((

RE: Measure cycle time (lead time) - Added by dj jones over 7 years ago

I've never done this, but you could maybe pull this out from the Redmine API - issue 'journals' looks like it may help.

Write a script that you could run once a month overnight and create a CSV report - I guess you don't need to see this info in the live Redmine anyway - just when reviewing bottlenecks from time to time?

RE: Measure cycle time (lead time) - Added by Steve Pryce over 6 years ago

Having a Kanban board and not being able to measure cycle time is like having a surfboard and not knowing how to swim.

This really should be a standard feature. As should time spent in each status.
