


View changes from patch file applied on entire affected file, not just pure diff

Added by Bojan Miladinovic about 8 years ago

Hi all,

Current diff/patch viewer in Redmine is not suitable for all use cases, especially where there are a lot of changes (e.g during refactoring) in single file but changes are not sequential. This makes reviewing harder as there is no context of changes as only affected parts of file are visible.

We're using SVN as a revision control system. Current review system in place is that, for each issue, developer must create diff/patch file which senior engineer must review. Once approved, only then it committed to the trunk.
Using built-in diff viewer (magnifying glass button next to the uploaded file), only changes are visible from the diff/patch.

It would be ideal that new plugin or feature is added for situations like this. Additional radio field (beside existing View differences: 'inline', 'side by side') or some other option could be added to provide changes 'applied' on entire affected file.

This is just and idea presented. Any comment is highly recommended :)

Blue skies,