


New Issues Notificatin

Added by Pagano Monello about 8 years ago

I've just configured Redmine with a plugin ( that allows the application to create a new issue from a mail received by a google IMAP server.

Now I need to make it possible that a specific user (Manager) receives a mail notification at each new issue creation, even if he is not supposed to be involved into the issue.

In other words, this user must receive always a notification when a new issue is created, whether by a user or via Cron.

Can I set pipe to send mail automatically, or does it exist a plugin that can integrate the plugin above?

I hope I have explained my issue in a decent way, and I thank you in advance.

ps: As a pipe I mean something like:
* * * * * some_cronjob_goes_here 2>&1 | mail -s "message subject here" -- -f