


Redmine not working after migration.

Added by Liam Wilson over 8 years ago


Recently we have migrated a server from another hosting provider to our server and installed Redmine on the server.
Now the page ( shows a directory listing.

Site URL :
Redmine version : 1.4.5
Ruby version : ruby 1.9.3p551 (2014-11-13 revision 48407) [x86_64-linux]
Passenger : passenger-5.0.28

Please let us know your suggestions on this issue.


Replies (6)

RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Liam Wilson over 8 years ago


Any suggestion on this


RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Liam Wilson over 8 years ago


Any suggestion regarding this.

Aza Blake

RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Liam Wilson over 8 years ago


Any assistance on this will be appreciated.

Please get back to us with any possible solutions.


RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Hi all,

First of all, you should place your request under "Help" (better than "open discussion"). Redmine showing just a directory listing is a very common installation problem (just google "redmine showing directory listing") and indicates problems with phusion passenger.

Your target redmine version is a very old one.

I would recommend the following procedure:

Set up a working and up to date base redmine

Install Plugins

  • install the plugins of your choice (first verify which versions you need for your target redmine version)
  • verify the plugins with base database
  • save an export of the database

Migrate your Database-content

  • Import your database to redmine
  • migrate the database and plugins (you will have to - very carefully - drop some tables to be created by plugin-installation as they already are existing from previous steps - rake-migrate will tell you what fails)
  • verify functionality
  • rsync your files to target directory

Hope this helps a little bit.

Cheers and don't give up - redmine is great!


RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Liam Wilson over 8 years ago

Hello Immanuel,

The latest Redmine versions 3.3 and 3.2 are using Rails 4.20. Unfortunately our server have Rails 2.3.18.

The domain is hosted in a shared hosting server with cPanel as the web hosting management software. Since upgrading the Rails version will break the functionality of other applications in cPanel, we are not able to upgrade the Rails version to install the latest Redmine version.

Can you please let us know whether there are any possible solutions to resolve the issues with the current installation?


RE: Redmine not working after migration. - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Hi Adam,

I am no expert on this. My understanding to get correct versions of ruby and rails is:

  • do not use system ruby (i.e. the one being installed when doing apt-get install ruby), use instead RVM (thus you are able to define for each application which ruby version to use)
  • after having installed RVM and set the required ruby (as user redmine!), install bundler gem
  • bundle install will then parse redmine's gemfile and install the required rails version

This holds for linux with root access (for rvm installation) and installing redmine not as root but with a "regular" application user

So the key to me seems to use RVM: thus you are creating an independent environment for your RoR-application.

Hope this helps.

