


Is there a way to see which user deleted some record (an issue category) from a Redmine Project?

Added by Anonymous almost 8 years ago

Hello, everyone!

I need your help here. In the company, we have a Redmine application running on our server. We have some projects and every project has its own issue categories.

We have specifics roles in the organization and they are able to edit projects, and this roles are assigned to many people.

Reciently, we had a problem: Someone (a user, of course), deleted most of the issue categories of one specific project. The categories were deleted and we just can't do anything about it, but we would like to know which user made this change.

So, my doubt is this: Is there a way to see who deleted issues categories from a project? I don't know if RedMine records a log, a history or something similar to trace changes in projects or in the database.

Thank you in advance for any help you could offer me. Thank you!

Best regards!