


Enhance Document and File functionality?

Added by Oleg Lozinskij over 15 years ago

Hello all,

Redmine is great PM tool, but still there is a need to store files and to keep a version number, to lock the older version, to see differences in docs and/or files...

Current implementation of "Document" and "File" gives a possibility to store text and files... which works and is ok...

How about to add more functionality to it?

For example:
  • version or revision attribute (btw, it is not possible to add custom fields to Document/File part)
  • a custom revision schema could be defined (number generator or simple sequence like: 1,2,3)
  • revision support
    • add a Revise button; so, that the older Document/File will be locked for editing.
    • the new copy will be created -- and available to edit only to the user who made revision. A new revision will be assigned
    • unlock button to make the Document/File available for other users -- this can be a checkin/checkout functions.
  • history can be added (similar to wiki history, but without revert to older function... maybe)

Best regards,