


Update option in the Issue tracker

Added by Paolo Franchini over 7 years ago


I have installed Redmine with the following environment on SL6.4, migrating the postgres db from another previous installation

Redmine version 3.2.5.stable
Ruby version 2.2.3-p173 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL

everything seems to be working fine apart from the Issue tracker. I do not have the options Update. I have only got Edit, Watch, Copy and Delete.
I am able to submit a new issue and attach files, so the permissions should be correct

What can be wrong?

Replies (1)

RE: Update option in the Issue tracker - Added by Paolo Franchini over 7 years ago

Stupid me. The Edit option is the new Update.
