


mod_cache and mod_proxy so slow

Added by Julien Gerhards over 15 years ago


I have 3 cache config to build, so i start a very simple one to cache a website :

  1. Logs
    server.errorlog = "/tmp/lighttpd.error.log"
  1. Répertoire de base
    server.document-root = "/tmp/"

#Port d'écoute
server.port = 80

  1. Module : mod_access et mod_accesslog sont absolument nécessaires
    server.modules = (
    "mod_cache", # Doit absolument etre charger avant mod_proxy
    "mod_accesslog" )
  2. Pour la page de stat
    status.status-url = "/server-status"
  1. Cache = ("")
    cache.bases = ("/tmp")
    cache.refresh-pattern = (
    "." => "30 update-on-refresh" # default to update every 30 minutes and on refresh requests
    #mod_proxy setting, config your backend servers here
    proxy.server = ( "" =>
    ( "host" => "", "port" => 80 ) # real backend http server ip and port
    #it's important to enable proxy.worked-with-mod-cache or mod_proxy will not cooperate with modcache
    proxy.worked-with-mod-cache = "enable"
  1. Type mime
    mimetype.assign = (.......

It seems really fast with my firefox but when i try to make a bench with ab (from apache), resulst a so poor :
Requests per second: 14.83 [#/sec] (mean)

When squid does more than 1000 resquests/sec

Any idea?